who we are

Our Mission.
Our greatest passion.
The driving force behind everything we do.

Leading people
become radiant
followers of Jesus!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises  upon you."
Isaiah 60:1 
"Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered  with shame."
Psalms 34:5

We are a worshiping and praying church.

At Radiant, we believe that the House of the Lord is called to be a House of Prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7). We believe at the core of who we are as a church family should be based on Revelation 5’s description of the Heavenly Sanctuary, where there are ‘harps and bowls’ simultaneously before the Throne of God displaying unending worship and prayer. Because of this, we’ve built and are building our church on the foundation of worship and prayer.

our beliefs

Check out an
overview of our beliefs at Radiant Church.

01. The Trinity
02. Scripture
03. Salvation
04. Atonement
05. Christian Life
06. The Church
07. Baptism
08. Marriage
09. Final Judgment & Reward

our values

Word Centered

We value the Word of God as the steadfast source of truth that sustains us, and as a powerful catalyst for personal and cultural transformation.

Matthew 4:4, 2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119:89

Spirit Empowered

We value the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst, marking us as God’s people and manifesting Himself miraculously.

Exodus 33:16, Acts 1:8, John 16:13, 
1 Corinthians 12:1-12

Family Oriented

We value all people, regardless of their label or status, and embrace each individual as uniquely loved, pursued, and gifted by God.

John 3:16, Acts 17:25-27, Romans 11:29

Kingdom Focused

We value loyalty and commitment to the Kingdom of God and to Jesus our King, above all other allegiances.

Matthew 6:33, Acts 17:7, 1 Timothy 1:17

Mission Motivated

We value the urgent responsibility and privilege given to us by God — to proclaim the Gospel to all people, tribes and nations.

Matthew 28:18-19, Matthew 24:14, Romans 1:5


No matter where you jump into our story, it has always been one of us listening for the voice of God, following where He leads us, and pursuing His presence in our lives, our homes, and in our church. We are committed above all else to see our church, our community, and our city become radiant followers of Jesus.

The late Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, once said that, “God created man because God loves stories.” Stories have the power to remind us of our past and can inspire us towards the future God has in mind for each of us. Without stories, our path forward would be uncertain, unclear, and full of fear. With our stories, we can remember all that God has done in and through our lives and we can believe that He is still at work in our future.

Our story as a church isn’t picture perfect, but it is a beautiful one where we've continued to see God do amazing things.

Our church began in 2001 in the tiny hotel conference room that we rented at a local hotel. It wasn't long after that we out grew that hotel and we then moved a short drive away to one of the local movie theaters. Our church continued to grow as we continued to share the gospel each week. We worshiped our savior, we dove into Scripture, we drank coffee, ate donuts, and continued to keep our eyes pointed forward believing the best was still yet to come. As God continued to show up week in and week out, the theater we called home soon became too small. And so, it was once again time for another move. We landed in a store-front on Winchester Road. It was a space not designed for a church, but had huge potential as we continued to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our church. Here the gospel was preached, the lost were found, the sick were healed, the poor were clothed and fed, and the presence and power of God was tangible.

Under the leadership of our founding pastors, the church continued to grow and once again lead us to look for a space that would better house what God was doing in and through our church. We were finally lead to our building on Eastland Parkway.  With our vision to impact the city of Lexington, we continued to follow the Holy Spirit's leading in our church. We planted churches, we launched campuses, we sent leaders out, and we continued to follow His leading in all that we did.

As we step into this next chapter for our church, we continue to honor the story that God has lead us through, but we don't live in it. Our ears will always be listening to what heaven is saying and our eyes will always be directed out ahead, fully believing that the best is yet to come!  

We love our story. We love the mountain tops as well as the valleys. We honor every single piece of our story. But we also believe our story isn't finished yet. We still believe that God is moving. We still believe that God is doing miracles. We still believe in the life-changing presence of God. And we're passionate about helping people encounter Him as they become radiant followers of Jesus.

And we won't stop there. We don't want just a radiant family or a radiant church. We want a radiant community. We want a radiant city. A radiant state. A radiant nation. We desire to see a radiant revival sweeping across our nation.

We believe that the same God who formed our very planet, parted the Red Sea, healed the sick, and raised the dead is still at work today.

And we believe that our story is no where near its conclusion.

The best is truly yet to come.